Earwax is vital to the health of your ears. Removing dust and debris while also protecting the sensitive components of your inner ears, wax performs a crucial role that you wouldn’t be able to live without. Alongside this, though, it can also build up to levels that make it hard to hear and can even cause conditions like tinnitus. An audiologist can help you with earwax removal, but how will you know when you need support with this? Let’s take a look at some of the common signs that you might need earwax removal services.

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can be one of the clearest signs that you need to have earwax removed from your ears. Wax can cause blockages that will stop sound from making it into your ears, effectively muffling the world around you. This isn’t the only possible cause of hearing loss, and this makes it worth seeing an audiologist if you are experiencing symptoms like this, rather than going for earwax removal straight away. Your earwax may be a component of your hearing loss, but this sort of condition can also be caused by a wide variety of different issues. An audiologist will be able to get to the bottom of this.

Physical Pain in the Ears

Many people don’t realize that earwax can actually cause pain in their ears. It can be confusing when you find yourself experiencing earaches, especially when you don’t have an infection. People will often hear clicking sounds when they swallow when they have too much earwax, and this can quickly build into a sensation that feels like taking off in a plane. Much like hearing loss, it’s always worth seeing an audiologist if you have symptoms like this. Earwax is a very common cause of ear pain, but there are more serious conditions that can also trigger sensations like this and you need to be careful.

Wax Coming Out of Your Ears

Your ears are designed to produce wax on the inside, slowly secreting it out of your ears over time. This is how wax ends up inside the bowl of your ear. Eventually, the wax will make its way out of your ears entirely, and you will be able to feel this on the outside of your ears. If you have a lot of wax inside and outside your ears, it will be time to talk to an audiologist to get earwax removal services. While you need earwax to keep your ears healthy, it’s important to make sure that you don’t let this build up too much. You can always clean your out ears yourself, but you shouldn’t poke anything inside.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take on the challenge of figuring out if you need earwax removal services. Your audiologist can handle this job for you, but you will need to make an appointment before you can get this kind of support.