Chances are you’ve been told by your audiologist, doctor or even parents during your childhood that you need to avoid loud noises if possible. While it can sometimes be difficult to remember to do this, it’s an important habit to get into because it can preserve your hearing. Just as there are earmuffs during the winter months to keep your ears warm, there are earplugs to keep your ear canals safe. So, here are some benefits of wearing hearing protection.

Tinnitus Prevention

Putting on hearing protection can be a great way to prevent tinnitus. Tinnitus is a common problem that affects around 20% of the population. Symptoms can include a high-pitched ringing, whistling, buzzing or a combination of all three. The cause can be as simple as noise-induced hearing loss, a condition that can be prevented.

Tinnitus can be very loud and affect how you hear, think and sleep. It is important to treat it early because untreated tinnitus can worsen and become more serious. Some causes of tinnitus are loud noises, such as power tools, lawnmowers and loud concerts. You should always wear hearing protection, especially if you work in these industries.

Reduces Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Most cases of sensorineural hearing loss are due to noise exposure. The World Health Organization estimates that 12% of the global population is at risk. In addition to the traditional association with tinnitus, noise exposure has been associated with asymmetric hearing loss.
This asymmetric hearing loss is defined as hearing thresholds that are higher in one ear than the other. This asymmetry can increase with increasing levels of noise exposure. It may be due to underlying genetic or environmental factors. So, not only can ear protection prevent tinnitus, but it will also protect your ear canals from asymmetric hearing loss.

Can Prevent Earwax Buildup

Every audiologist will agree that cleaning out your ears regularly is important. Built-up earwax is already known for causing issues such as tinnitus, but ear protection can help ensure that your ears stay clean. The body naturally produces earwax, as this helps protect the ear canal from harmful objects, such as dirt and dust; however, if you’re working in a very dirty area that is prone to dust to dirt flying everywhere, then it’s ideal for wearing ear protection to ensure that your ears stay clean.

Plenty of Options

When it comes to earplugs and other methods of hearing protection, you have multiple options. You can wear custom-made earplugs tailored to the ear or even opt for earplugs. If you’re a fan of noise-canceling headphones, then this is an option too. In general, one of the best benefits of hearing protection outside your health is that you can select whatever you like, and you’re never limited to any options.