Hearing aid devices have grown and expanded throughout the years. There are plenty on the market to satisfy all users' needs, hearing loss levels and preferences. Yet, one style has continually evolving technology: the behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid.

The BTE style of hearing aid is the most traditional and still one of the most popular on the market. These are what most people think of when they hear the phrase hearing aid. The BTE style sits behind the ear, with the microphone located on the outside of the ear bowl. A small tube sits comfortably over the ear to hold it in place. 

With the BTE style of hearing aid being on the market for quite some time, they have evolved and now have more benefits than ever. Not only are they ideal for severe hearing loss, but they are in line with modern technology to suit the users of the modern world. More on the benefits of BTE hearing aids to follow.

They suit every level of hearing loss

BTE hearing aids are one of the most versatile hearing aid types due to their outside-of-the-ear design. This means that they can provide enough power to support even quite severe hearing loss and include enough technology to support the requirements of even the most active and dynamic of lifestyles. Whatever your lifestyle of hearing loss type, there is likely to be a BTE hearing aid to suit you.

Provides the best sound amplification

Due to the device sitting outside of the ear, they can offer the most amplification. They are designed to pick up sound waves and convert them into electronic signals. As they are the style closest to the outside noise, they pick up sound waves a lot easier than other small in-ear devices.

Very reliable 

Due to the BTE hearing aid design, they're able to house large batteries and boast long-lasting power. This means that BTE hearing aids can provide you with some of the best battery life of all of the hearing aid types available.

Easy to clean

Because BTE hearing aids are slightly larger and sit mainly outside of the ear, they are much easier to clean (and change the batteries) than some of the much smaller hearing aids.

They utilize advanced technology

Due to them being great at amplifying noises, they are ideal for connecting to digital technologies, such as Bluetooth. The outside of the ear style helps them pick up sound waves, just like they can pick up Bluetooth connectivity. This allows users to connect their BTE hearing aids to the mobile device to change the settings discreetly. 

There are numerous benefits of BTE hearing aids. They are suitable for all hearing loss levels, ages, and lifestyles. There's no wonder they are the most recommended option by audiologists and top picks from hearing aid users.