Did you know that when you lose your hearing you may not actually realize it at first? Some people feel like they know what hearing loss would be like, but when it comes down to it, they don't know for sure whether they have lost their hearing or not.

This is the point of going to see an audiologist – to get your hearing tested properly and figure out whether you will need hearing aids or not. If you lose your hearing in any way, you will struggle to hear sounds around you, but it's worth knowing that it's such a gradual process that you may not even realize it until your TV volume won't go any higher.

Hearing loss can start when we're young, and by the time we turn 80, one in two of us will have some level of hearing loss. We go to the dentist to get our teeth checked out and we head to the optician to get our eyes checked. Hearing is just as important as both of these and it all depends on the way that you live your life as to how often you get yours tested. It's not always easy to tell if you have hearing loss, but some of the signs are ones to take notice of – and we've got some for you below.

Others have told you can't hear them

If your friends and family are telling you that they've been talking to you and you're ignoring them, it's a sure sign that your hearing needs some attention. It can feel embarrassing to have your friends and family tell you that you're losing your hearing, but it's important that they're honest with you so that you can get the help that you need when you need it.

Busy environments are tough

When you can hear a one-to-one conversation, but you struggle to hear that same person in a crowded cafe, you could be experiencing hearing loss. This is known as hidden hearing loss and it's something that needs your attention. You should still be able to hear other people around you while you are talking to someone, and your audiologist can run speech tests to see whether you are having difficulty with that.

You work in a noisy environment

If you are in the kind of environment that requires you to use or be around heavy machinery, you may feel as if your hearing is declining. It's a sure sign you need a hearing test. Your employer should be providing you with hearing protection if you are in that kind of environment, and if they're not, then that's a problem. Hearing issues can present because of a lack of protection and you should report this if you're not being supported.

You've had a trauma

Have you had an injury to the ear or head? You need to assess whether your hearing has been affected as a result of a bash to the head or not. An audiologist will be able to tell you whether your hearing loss is a result of trauma.