Hearing aids can be quite delicate due to their small size and advanced electronic components. This can result in damages that will commonly occur, making it important to regularly speak with your audiologist to ensure that your hearing aids are working correctly. It’s important to prepare for hearing aid repairs so that you have a high chance of success to fix them and also can have them fixed quickly and efficiently.

Start by examining the issue

The first thing to do is examine the issue. Look at what the damage or problem is and see if you can fix the problem on your own. For instance, you might realize that the tubing for the speaker is damaged, or you might have noticed that there’s a lot of grime and dirt surrounding your hearing aid from regular use.

In some cases, giving your hearing aid a quick clean is enough to help you address the problem. A hearing aid issue can often be caused due to a clogged earpiece or a dirty unit and this is easily cleared up by giving the hearing aid a quick wipe.

Write down the list of problems you’re experiencing

Now that you’ve looked at and examined your hearing aid, you can write down a list of problems that your audiologist should evaluate. They’re going to want to know everything about your hearing aids, such as how often you use them, when you use them, why you think it’s damaged and how it ended up being damaged.

Once you’ve completed this step, you can then look into contacting your audiologist about an appointment. Let them know that you’re experiencing issues with your hearing aids and that you want to bring them in so that your audiologist can examine them.

Consider using an extra pair

When you first get your hearing aids it’s important to ask your audiologist about getting an extra pair. This is because if you ever need to get your hearing aids repaired, you’ll want to have an extra pair ready and waiting for you to use. This will ensure that you’re never without your hearing aids for an extended period of time, and it also means that you’ll always have access to your hearing aids so you can continue your regular activities and lifestyle.

It doesn’t take much to prepare for hearing aid repairs, but it does help greatly if you’ve prepared some materials in advance so that the appointment goes smoothly.