Healthy hearing should be a priority for you, and if you want to ensure that yours remains so, you need to speak to an audiologist if you begin to experience any issues with your auditory system. They are likely to be one of the most important hearing professionals that you are likely to meet. When your hearing is on point, you can live a healthier and happier life. When things are starting to decline, that's when life gets a little more complicated. Your audiologist can help treat a variety of conditions, including the following:

Hearing loss

Hearing loss is something that affects millions of Americans, and it's one of the most common health issues that people have to cope with. It can be hard for people to spot hearing loss without proper testing, and it's for this reason that audiologists are such valued members of the healthcare profession. Hearing exams are necessary for detecting hearing loss, and when your audiologist thoroughly tests your hearing, they can determine how bad the hearing loss is. This can then lead to the right diagnosis and treatment.


The annoying buzzing or ringing that you can hear in your ears is called tinnitus, and it's a very common health concern. Tinnitus sounds have no external source, and you can hear it in either both or one ear, and your audiologist can help you to determine whether underlying issues are causing the symptoms. Sound therapy is a common treatment for tinnitus, as are hearing aids. There is a range of cognitive therapy that you can invest in, too, and you can reduce the impact on your life with ease.

Wax removal

Dealing with earwax is usually straightforward. It migrates to the outer shell of your ear, and you can easily wipe it away. However, in some cases, the wax clumps together and block your ears, interfering with your hearing. Your audiologist can look at the level of impaction and break up the wax with tools including an otoscope. Irrigation and medication can help your audiologist to break down the wax and clear the blockage. No more wax!

Issues with balance

Did you know that your hearing structure on the inside of your ear is responsible for your balance? Most people don't! Vertigo is a very real condition, and if the balance in your ears is off, you can find yourself falling over and clumsier than usual. Your audiologist can test for these issues and offer you a range of treatments to make the balance issues go away. They will be able to get you on your feet and balanced in no time at all.

Your audiologist can treat a vast range of hearing issues, and if you have noticed your hearing becoming more complicated and faded, you need to seek the advice of a professional audiologist so that you can get treated quickly. The faster you get treatment, the better you will be able to hear again.