As impressive as hearing aids are, they won’t last forever. The average hearing aid will last for seven years at a push, with some only lasting as little as three years. While this might not seem like a long time, you have to take into account how hearing aids are used. They’re inserted into your ear every single day, often worn for hours on end. No other device is used as much as this, which means hearing aids can wear down and become outdated before you know it. 

The key is learning when your hearing aids are outdated, so you can get an upgrade! Here are some of the top signs you should be wary of:

Everything Sounds Quieter

Even when wearing your hearing aids, does everything sound quieter? You can hear some difference between wearing them and not wearing them, but it’s nowhere near as effective as it used to be. You try altering the settings, but nothing works. If this has happened to you, then chances are your hearing aids are outdated and have stopped working properly. See your audiologist to confirm that this is the case and it’s not a problem with your hearing deteriorating. 

You Keep Getting Lots of Feedback

When wearing your hearing aids, you hear lots of feedback through them. There’s a buzzing or whirring sound, sometimes a whistling. Again, this is another sign of wear and tear getting to your hearing aids. They’ve stopped working as effectively as they should, and it’s impacting your way of life. Now’s the time to get an upgrade so you can hear better once more. 

You’ve Had a Significant Change in Lifestyle

Have you started a new job that involves working in a noisy environment – like a restaurant? Or, perhaps your new job means you take a lot of conference calls over the phone, or you have many video meetings. When circumstances in your life change, this can make your current hearing aids seem outdated. They don’t have the capabilities required to help you in your new line of work. Therefore, a more advanced hearing aid might be necessary to fulfill your new hearing requirements. 

There’s Better Technology Available

Similarly, if you notice there are hearing aids with better technology available, it’s a sign your device is outdated. Your lifestyle might not have changed, but there are new devices that have features you will find beneficial. This could be as simple as a hearing aid that’s a lot smaller and less obvious, which you prefer to one that’s large and clunky.

Or it could be a hearing aid with some advanced technology that makes it easier for you to hear conversations. If you see features and technology that will benefit you, then your hearing aid is outdated. 

Don’t worry if you have a hearing aid that’s past its prime. Speak to your audiologist and book a consultation to view all of the new options on the market. They’ll take your current hearing requirements into account, recommending all of the best devices for you to try.